World No Smoking Day May 31 2021 – Wellness Newsletter

World No Smoking Day – May 31 2021

What Happens After You Stop Smoking?

If you are a smoker, it may seem like the damage has been done and it is not worth stopping, but that is simply not true. Why not try stop on World No Smoking Day, your body will begin to heal itself shortly after you quit, and the sooner you give up smoking, the greater the benefit is to your health.

Stopping smoking can reduce your blood pressure, lower your risk of stroke and coronary heart disease, and reduce your chances of developing lung cancer. Some of these changes may happen over the course of years, while others occur as soon as 24 hours after your last cigarette.


24 Hours After Stopping Smoking

24 Hours After Stopping If you are a heavy smoker, your body will immediately realize when the chain-smoking cycle is broken. Just one day after stopping your risk of heart attack starts to go down.

48 Hours After Stopping

Within 48 hours, your taste and smell receptors will start to heal, shifting from their abnormally flattened state to a more normal, rounded configuration. Your sense of taste and smell start to improve.

72 Hours After Stopping

Nicotine withdrawal symptoms are typically at their worst during the first 72 hours of quitting, and gradually subside from there.

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Two Weeks After Stopping

After the first 72 hours, your peak withdrawal symptoms will start to decrease, although craving for cigarettes could persist. In the days and weeks that follow, you should start breathing easier, your circulation will improve, and your cravings will start to ease.

Six Weeks After Stopping

By the end of week six, the withdrawal symptoms which can include:

  • Anger,
  • Restlessness,
  • Depression,
  • Difficulty concentrating,
  • And insomnia.

Would have largely disappeared.

Three Months After Stopping

Over the course of the first few months, you will experience many of the more obvious improvements in lung function.

Nine Months After Stopping

Many ex-smokers feel a sudden let-down once they get beyond the three-month mark as the physical improvements taper off while the cigarette cravings persist at a lower rate.

However, your health is continuing to improve. The tiny, finger-like projections in your respiratory tract, called cilia, will have regrown during the first six to nine months, making it easier to clear debris and mucus from your lungs.

You will feel more energised and be able to perform daily activities with less shortness of breath and fatigue.

no smoking day may 31 2021 working out in the gym

One Year After Quitting Smoking

By the end of year one, your risk of heart attack and stroke drops by about half, people with COPD may continue to see some improvements to their lung function. You are now a non-smoker and have finally stopped the habit.

World No Smoking Day: 10 Useful Tips To Help You Quit Smoking

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