World No Smoking Day May 2022 – Wellness Newsletter

World No Smoking Day, 31 May 2022

World No Smoking Day May 2022: World No Tobacco Day is celebrated every year on 31st May by WHO (World Health Organization) all over the world to spread awareness against tobacco.

This awareness now includes the use of e-cigarettes and vaping. The World Health organisation is focussing both on the environmental and health impacts of smoking in 2022.

The environmental impact of tobacco farming includes the massive use of water, large-scale deforestation, and contamination of the air and water systems.

There is widespread usage of fossil fuels and the dumping and or leaking of waste products into the natural environment.


world no smoking day may 2022 tobacco farming


The environment consequences of tobacco farming and tobacco consumption move it from being an individual problem to a human problem. What is at stake is the fate of an entire planet.

WHO Article: Tobacco’s Threat To The Environment

Vaping and E-cigarettes

Vaping in South Africa is unregulated unlike cigarette smoking. There is a concerning increase in the number of young people using e-cigarettes.


word no smoking day may 2022 young people vaping


The Department of Health in South Africa has started a process of amending the current tobacco control legislation to include electronic nicotine delivery systems.

E-cigarettes have seen a huge growth in South Africa, with a good deal of tobacco retail outlets now displaying over 50% of selling space to flavoured vapes. Most e-cigarettes contain nicotine, which can harm adolescent brain development, which continues into the early to mid-20’s. Research in the USA has found that many young people who use vapes or e-cigarettes may be more likely to smoke cigarettes in the future.


world no smoking day may 2022 man holding up e-cigarette with vaping smoke

How To Observe No Tobacco Day

  • Count the number of cigarettes or how many times you vape in a day. This will start you thinking about your health and the amount of money you are spending on your habit. Giving up smoking is difficult and takes determination. There are several programmes and self-help books to assist you to give up.
  • Educate the Youth. The best way to stop smoking is not to start. Try to encourage young people around you not to start smoking cigarettes or vape. Educate the youth in schools about the dangers of smoking.
  • Stick to your Plan. Build a personalised “quit” plan and revisit it regularly to keep motivated and focussed. There is no fixed formula for giving up, do what suits you best and be honest about what works for you.


hand not taking a cigarette

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