World Mental Health Day 2021 – Wellness Newsletter

World Mental Health Day 2021 – Wellness Newsletter

What Is Mental Health?

World Mental Health Day 2021 – 20th October: Everyone has mental health which can vary from good mental well-being to severe mental health problems.

Poor mental health can include struggling with low mood, stress, or anxiety. A mental health problem is generally defined when a poor mental condition continues for a prolonged period. Common mental health conditions include depression, anxiety, phobias and bi-polar.

Work Related Stress

Work related stress can be a form of poor mental health, defined as a reaction to excessive pressure, or other types of demands placed on individuals at work. This is often manifested in excessive “leaveism” which is the improper use of leave, or in “presenteeism” which is working when unwell and being less productive.

Rates of “leaveism” and “presenteeism” are on the rise due to the increase in a technology-enabled and always on-workplace culture. This has been exacerbated by Covid-19 and working from home. Workers are experiencing increased job insecurity, financial stress, working longer and more irregular hours, and combining work with home-schooling which has created a poor work-life balance.


world mental health day 10 october 2021 wellness newsletter over worked due to covid


The impact of Covid-19 on Mental Health

The impact of Covid-19 on Mental Health will be felt for a long time to come on all of us. We have been separated from friends and family, we have lost loved ones, our work life has changed, our finances in many instances have suffered and we feel like we cannot plan and look forward like we used to before the pandemic.

Read article: Youth in the firing line of COVID-19 mental health pandemic

World Mental Health Day 2021 – Adam Grant

Adam Grant who is an organisational psychologist at Wharton has given our general feeling of malaise a term called “Languishing”. Simply put, many people feel joyless and aimless. He calls it the neglected middle child of mental health and the absence of well-being. “ Languishing” he says dulls your motivation, you are unable to focus, and it could be a bigger risk factor for mental health down the line.

Take Simple Steps To Look After Yourself

  • Look after your well-being physically,
  • Do some exercise and keep to a balanced diet,
  • Check your thinking daily, are you having unhelpful thoughts,
  • Find a new challenge and seek out enjoyable experiences,
  • Get enough sleep.


world mental health day 10 october 2021 wellness newsletter

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