World Heart Day 2023 – September 29 Wellness Newsletter
- September 7, 2023
- Posted by: Informed Healthcare Solutions
- Category: Client Wellness Newsletters

World Heart Day 2023 – September 29
World Heart Day 2023 is a global initiative by the World Heart Federation to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle to keep your heart healthy. The event is supported in South Africa by the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
Southern African Hypertension Society (SAHS) – World Heart Day 2023
Why is World Heart Day important?
- It concerns your heart and your heart health.
- It is an opportunity to reflect on the lifestyle decisions you are making and the impact on your heart health.
- It highlights the importance of checking your vital statistics regularly.
- A lack of business training and developmental programmes are barriers to obtaining finance.
How To Protect Your Heart
#1 Healthy Heart Habit – Get Enough Exercise
- Aerobic exercise and resistance training are most important for your heart.
- Being physically active is a major step towards good heart health.
#2 Healthy Heart Habit – Follow a Healthy Diet
- Cut down on salt, support World Heart Day 2023 by reducing your sodium intake.
- Eat more fibre: include vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains in your diet.
- Eat less saturated fats. Cut back on fatty meats and high fat dairy products.
- Eat more fish.
#3 Healthy Heart Habit – Stop Smoking
- Smoking can lead to a narrowing of the arteries in the heart.
- The narrowing of the arteries can restrict blood flow to the heart increasing the risk of a heart attack.
- Smoking increases the risks of blood clots which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
- Nicotine causes blood to become sticky and more likely to clot, which can block the flow of blood to the heart or the brain.
- So show your support for World Heart Day and your health by trying to give up smoking.
The Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa (HSFSA) – Stop Smoking
#4 Healthy Heart Habit – Reduce Alcohol, Drink more Water
#5 Healthy Heart Habit – Check Your Vitals
- Check your blood pressure.
- Check your cholesterol levels.
- Check your glucose levels.
- Check your body mass index.
- Discuss any family history of heart disease.
- Ask for help with a lifestyle change.
#6 World Heart Day Healthy Habit – Reduce Stress and Get enough Sleep
- Studies are showing a link between of lack of sleep and the resultant stress to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Reduce stress by switching off your phone, and limit TV watching just before bedtime.
- Try deep breathing exercises or meditation to relax and get a good nights’ sleep.
- So support World Heart Day by having a good nights sleep.
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