The Risks Of Being Overweight – COVID-19

Obesity Health Risks Coronavirus – COVID-19

Obesity Health Risks Coronavirus: Obesity is proving to be a serious health risk in Covid-19 cases & the W.H.O reports that 53.8% of South Africans are obese or overweight.


  • South Africa’s Medical Research Council confirms that obesity is a common health challenge in South Africa where 68% of women and 31% of men over the age of 15 are overweight.
  • Our BMI is higher than the world average.


  • There is growing evidence that once infected, extremely obese people
    tend to develop a more severe form of COvid-19.
  • Being overweight increases your chances of developing Type 2 Diabetes,
    heart problems, breathing problems, high blood pressure and certain
    forms of cancers.
  • It is important to stress that most people are unaware if they have Type 2 Diabetes or hypertension.
  • Our BMI is higher than the world average.

Obesity Health Risks Coronavirus THE PLAN OF ACTION

  • Check your glucose levels.
  • Check your blood pressure.
  • Check your BMI.
  • Increase your intake of healthy food.
  • Exercise at least 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes.


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Obesity Health Risks Coronavirus

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