How Are You Feeling Today? – Wellness Newsletter April 2021

How Are You Feeling? – April 2021

This is a question we most probably ask and get asked daily.

How Are You Feeling Today? But how often do we give it thought and answer it honestly? How often do we ask ourselves this question?

Our emotions and physical responses are there to tell us something.

It is important that we pay attention to these cues so we can respond in a way that is helpful for us.

For example, irritability may be a sign of stress. If we can recognise that we feel irritated in the first place, we can question why this may be.

We may then realise we are feeling stressed or overwhelmed and can then consider how to reduce our stress levels.

How can I deal with my stress?

how are you feeling think positive

Tips to manage stressHeart Foundation Article


woman with mask on working on laptop

Don’t be a slave to Tech


how are you feeling eat healthy food

Eat For Wellbeing – Heart Foundation Article


get a good nights’ sleep

Get A Good Nights Sleep


say no

Learn to Say No


get moving

Get Moving


manage your time

Manage Your Time Schedules


drink more water

Drink More Water

Taking time to pause and simply ask ourselves, how am I feeling?

This can make a significant difference in building our self-awareness, improve our well being and reduce our stress levels.

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