Discovery Screening And Prevention Benefit – November Newsletter
- November 10, 2022
- Posted by: Informed Healthcare Solutions
- Category: Discovery Health Newsletters

Discovery Screening And Prevention Benefit
Discovery Screening And Prevention Benefit: The following tests or vaccinations are covered by the Discovery Screening Benefit:
- Breast Cancer screening (mammogram and/or ultrasound) once every two years, with additional testing for high risk individuals.
- Pap Smear (once every 3 years) or HPV test (once every 5 years).
- PSA blood test once per year.
- Seasonal flu vaccination for high risk individuals.
- Pneumococcal vaccination once every 5 years for those under age 65 and once per lifetime for those over 65.
- Unlimited HIV tests.
- Health Check once a year (glucose, BP, Cholesterol, Weight).
- Bowel screening every two years or colonoscopy if high risk.
Discovery Health – Screening & Prevention Benefit PDF
The WELLTH fund in 2023 will add to the list above, with R2500 per adult and R1250 per child under 18, to spend on testing. The WELLTH fund includes cover for the following devices:
- Blood Pressure Monitors,
- Glucometers,
- Cholesterol monitors,
- Peak Flow meters,
- Spirometers,
- Weight scales.
All adults on your plan must have their Health Check to unlock the WELLTH fund.
Discovery Health – Introducing The Wellth Fund
Check that Discovery has received and processed your claims, each month. You can submit claims for reimbursement up to 4 months from the date of service. After that, they will not be reimbursed. If your practitioner has submitted the claim on your behalf, it is still YOUR responsibility to check that it has been processed successfully.
Your claim statement will tell you the reason, if your claim has not been paid. You may have run out of benefits, or your claim may be unclear. The incorrect code might have been used. If it is something you can fix, then make sure you rectify it within the 4 month time limit.
Plan Change Questions
Below are some questions that will guide you when choosing your plan for 2023. Think about them before you consult with your medical aid advisor or a Discovery consultant.
- If you currently have a plan with Savings, when do you run out of Saving (what month of the year) and what do you spend your Savings on (doctors, medication, dental work, etc)?
- Do you have any Chronic conditions that require monthly medication, testing, or consultations?
- Do you have a regular GP that you consult, and is he/she part of Discovery’s network?
- Do you have children that would require the hospitals you use to have a paediatric wing?
- Are you planning to have a particular procedure in the next 12 months that would require a certain hospital or access to certain medical professionals?
- Are you planning a pregnancy in the next 12 months?
- Do you prefer to see people face-to-face or would you be happy with phone or video consultations?
- How tech-savvy are you? Can you handle using an app to book an appointment?
Vitality High Performance Fitness
Vitality High Performance members are those who have completed a marathon, ultra marathon, 100 km cycle race or duathlon/triathlon since the beginning of 2018. These are members who do not have a chronic condition, are under the age of 65, and have not ever collapsed during an event. They participate in more than 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week.
The Benefits:
- Earn exercise points for longer activities with lower average heart rate, such as 450 points for 120 minutes at 60% heart rate and 600 points for 180 minutes at 60% heart rate. These points are included in your annual limit of 30,000 fitness points for your Vitality Status, but they will help you reach your Vitality Active Rewards Goal each week. PLEASE NOTE that your weekly Active Rewards goal will be a maximum of 1200 points, compared to other members who have a maximum of 900 points.
- You can earn bonus points—up to 17 500 in total– for your fitness assessment.
Vitality Jeff 300 point Workouts
Remember to check with Jeff and Vitality for their periodic 300 point workouts. The workouts are streamed on the Discovery Vitality and Jeff Together Facebook pages, and the next one is on 19th November. Take a photo of the livestream, and upload in the “claim race points” section on your Discovery App or website to get your points.
Vitality Active Rewards — the rewards
Certain rewards are highlighted each month, and some of them are for a limited time. Check the rewards section on the App to see what’s available. At the moment, you can get a Vida e caffé bamboo take away mug for 1000 Discovery Miles (R100), giving you a R20 discount. If you are a Discovery Bank client, you can get discounted vouchers depending on your spending and what Discovery Bank account you have.
Move To Give charity options also change from time to time. Currently, you can donate to the Breast Health Foundation and FoodForward SA.
Vitality Active Rewards — the activity
Vitality Active Rewards has three rings to close – Exercise, Drive, and Money. Each ring you close gives you a play on the game board.
Exercise (for all Vitality members)
Exercise at Virgin Active, Planet Fitness or Moove gyms, track your exercise on your smart phone or Vitality-linked fitness device. Complete an online workout through a Vitality-accredited partner connected to Octiv or itensity. Complete a free parkrun, participate in a Vitality virtual event, participate in a Vitality-timed race event with Team Vitality or play a round of golf.
Drive (for Discovery Insure members)
Earn your Drive points by accelerating smoothly, braking smoothly, cornering smoothly, driving within the speed limit and not using your phone while driving.
Money (for Discovery Bank members)
Maintain a minimum Discovery Bank Savings balance and spend responsibly, earn points for purchases of R20 or more made with your Discovery Bank credit card. In 2022, if you don’t reach your goal, your points carry over to the following week.
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Disclaimer: The information and opinions in this document have been recorded and arrived at in good faith and from sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made to their accuracy, completeness or correctness. The information is provided for information purposes only and should not be construed as the rendering of advice. Informed Healthcare Solutions accordingly accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from the use of this document or its contents. IHS is a licensed financial service provider: FSP # 12239