Discovery Life Death Cover

Discovery Life Death Cover 2025

Comprehensive Discovery Life Death Cover: Having Discovery death cover means that your family will get paid out the insured amount if you die during the period of cover.

To determine your individual needs, we suggest that you contact one of our advisers +27 21 712 8866 and request advice from him / her.

Protect your dependents should you pass:

  • Receive a terminal illness benefit: Discovery’s comprehensive death cover option also includes a terminal illness benefit which means that you are covered if you are terminally ill and have a life expectancy of less than 12 months.
  • Funeral and final expense benefit: The comprehensive death cover option may also include a funeral and final expense benefit. A part of the sum insured can be paid to a nominated person. Please chat to one of our life insurance consultants to see if you qualify for this benefit.
  • Accidental death cover: Accidental death cover provides you with a more affordable (but more limited) alternative to comprehensive death cover. In the case of accidental cover, we’ll pay out the insured amount if you die as a result of an accident resulting from bodily injury caused by external, violent or accidental means.

Want to find out more? Contact us at IHS today!

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More Death Cover benefits:

  1. Lump-sum payout to cover immediate costs, such as your funeral.
  2. Easy claim procedures, most claims settle within 48 hours. This is subject to them receiving all the needed documents.
  3. With individual or family cover, you can rest assured that Discovery will have a policy to suit your need.
  4. Included in your policy will be benefits like the education, accidental death and baby cover.
  5. For additional cover Discovery Funeral Cover can be taken out as a standalone policy.

Discovery Funeral Plan

The Discovery Funeral Plan offers you and your family funeral plans with lump-sum payouts as well as additional benefits.

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