Breast Cancer Month 2023 – October Wellness Newsletter
- October 5, 2023
- Posted by: Informed Healthcare Solutions
- Category: Client Wellness Newsletters

Breast Cancer Month 2023 – October Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Month 2023 – 19.4 Million women are diagnosed with breast cancer worldwide annually. 1 in 27 Women in South Africa have breast cancer.
CANSA: Breast Cancer
What Can I Do?
A mammogram is a special kind of breast X-ray. Mammography is the gold standard for breast cancer screening since it can detect possible breast cancer before you show any signs or symptoms.
When you should start going for routine mammograms depends on your age and your risk of developing breast cancer. Most women start going for routine mammograms at 40. You should discuss your risk and screening options with your doctor.
Many medical aids offer a routine mammogram every 2 years unless there is a family history of breast cancer when the mammogram is every year.
Factors that are associated with a greater risk of breast cancer are:
- Being female. Women are much more likely than men are to develop breast cancer.
- Increasing age. Your risk of breast cancer increases as you age.
- A personal history of breast cancer. If you have had breast cancer in one breast, you have an increased risk of developing cancer in the other breast.
- A family history of breast cancer. If your mother, sister, or daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer, particularly at an early age, your risk of breast cancer is increased. Still, most people diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of the disease.
CANSA highlights – Early Detection of Breast Cancer is Vital
Examine Your Breasts
There is value in women being familiar with their own breasts, so that they understand what’s normal, and see their doctor if they detect anything different. Pick the same time each month to do your self-examination.
Breast Cancer Month 2023 – ADD A TOUCH OF PINK
The Pink Ribbon has become the international symbol of breast cancer awareness. Pink Ribbons and the colour Pink in general expresses support for women during Breast Cancer Month 2023.
Do you have a friend or colleague who has been diagnosed with breast cancer? What kind of support can you offer for Breast Cancer Month 2023?
- Emotional Help – take the time to check in, ask how they are getting on.
- Be available to listen and let her know that she can contact you at any time.
- Visit but phone first to check if it’s okay and if she wants visitors.
- Help with meals, assist with housework, offer to drive her to medical appointments.
- If you are her manager, ask her whether she wants her work colleagues to know about her diagnosis.
- Establish sick leave entitlements, discuss the financial implications if appropriate and be flexible with doctor’s appointments and hospital visits.
BetterCare: Support groups in South Africa
Breast Cancer Month 2023 – 4 ways to Take Control Of Your Health
- Reduce your body mass index.
- Maintain a healthy diet.
- Be more active.
- Avoid excessive use of tobacco and alcohol.
Together we can – Breast Cancer Month 2023.
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